Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions about appointments, billing and insurance, gynecology, and obstetrics and pregnancy.
Answers to Your Questions
To better help answer your questions quickly, here are some of the Northwest Women’s Clinic most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not found on this page, please feel free to contact us at anytime. We are happy to help.
See also

Our Office Questions
If you’re one of our patients and you have an urgent concern that cannot wait until the next business day, call our office and our phones will be answered by a professional answering service that will page the doctor or midwife on call. If you believe you have a medical emergency, go to the emergency room or call 911.
We’ll have you speak with one of our Advice Nurses who will assess your situation and determine the most appropriate next step, whether that’s an appointment, a referral, a prescription refill, etc.
Although it can be irritating, we may ask you to verify your name and birth date multiple times during a visit. For example, when checking in, in the exam room and when any samples are collected for lab tests. This is for your safety to prevent errors in diagnosis and treatment. By verifying your identity in this manner, we’re also complying with national patient safety goals.
Scanning your driver’s license provides us a visual way to verify your identity to assure, for example, that someone else doesn’t attempt to receive medical services and/or insurance benefits under your name.
Taking your picture for your medical record is another way for us to visually verify your identity. You may upload your own picture through our patient portal or request that the picture be taken on another visit.
Give your FMLA forms to your medical assistant. We will complete the forms request as soon as possible. Please let us know if you need them by a specific date.
We usually notify patients of test results through our secure patient portal. You will receive an email message letting you know your results are available. Please call our office if you have not received your results within two weeks, or if you would like your results by phone in general.
Call your pharmacy – even if you’re out of refills, they can send a request to us. Please also make sure to schedule your next appointment. Refill requests should be made during regular office hours. We recommend calling your pharmacy 2 business days or more before your medication is finished to ensure accurate and timely refills. Please allow 2 business days for refill requests.
You can also send a secure message on our PATIENT PORTAL to your provider or nurse regarding your prescription. This is usually a more direct and quicker route, however please allow 2 business days for refill requests.
We do understand there are times you may need to call our office and leave a message for our medical staff. Please plan ahead, for example, if you need a refill for the weekend – call the pharmacy Thursday morning.
Medical Record Questions

To obtain your medical records you need to sign a MEDICAL RECORDS RELEASE. You can fill it out and mail or fax it to our office, and then we will process the request.
Our office does not charge our patients to send records to another medical office. However, there will be a charge of $30.00 for the first 10 pages and $.50 a page after that for records being sent for insurance, legal, or personal reasons.
NWWC legally has 30 days to get your records to the person in the request form. However, we do try to get these requests completed as soon as they come in within a day or two of the request.
We can either fax, mail, or you may hand pick up your records.
Call the office of the provider who has your records and follow their instructions.