Billing Information
We offer secure online billing through our patient portal.
Secure Online Bill Payment
Northwest Women’s Clinic offers secure online bill payment through our patient portal. Patients are able to view previous statements, online payments, access their portal and bill pay accounts with a single login. For specific billing questions, you may call the Patient Account Specialist at the office at 503-416-9939.
Accepted Insurance Plans
We participate with most of the available insurance companies in our area. You will need to check with your insurance company to find out if we are in network with your particular plan. You may do so by calling your insurance company, and giving them our TAX ID# 93-0612706.

Billing Explanations
You will receive a statement from us showing your balance after insurance payments. Your bill is due and payable within 30 days after the billing date. For your convenience, we accept personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card. If your insurance company has not paid within 45 days, please contact your insurance company.
One of our financial representatives personally reviews any account that has a balance that is past 90 days due if we have not received payment. We want to work with you – please contact us if you have a balance that you are unable to pay in full.
Our billing staff will make a good faith effort to capture all accounts which have been overpaid by a patient, and to refund the patient in a reasonable time frame. If you believe you have made a payment in error or have any other issues or questions related to your payment history, please contact us. Our staff will work with you on an individual basis to meet your needs.
You will receive a copy of our Obstetrical Billing Policy with your New OB packet, which is given to you by your Provider. Our Billing office will contact your insurance to verify your coverage and benefits.
If you do not have insurance coverage or your insurance card with you, you will be expected to pay for your health care at the time of service. If you are pregnant, you will be expected to pay for your prenatal care at every visit. We also will set up a payment plan for your delivery charge, which will need to be paid in full one month prior to your due date.
At Northwest Women’s Clinic, we are committed to safeguarding the privacy and the security of your personal health information. Our clinicians and staff are vigilant about protecting your personal information. When you pay online, your credit card information is transferred over a secure internet connection and is only used for the purposes of making payments that are authorized by you. Our practices are compliant with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), as well as newer legislation, such as the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Northwest Women’s Clinic utilizes an electronic medical record to improve the efficiency and quality of your care and to increase the security of your personal information. An active Information Security Committee meets regularly to ensure that our practices comply with both the letter and intent of regulations governing health information security.
For specific details on our privacy practices, please review our Privacy Notice Acknowledgement. Read more about the privacy of your health information at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Plans We Don’t Accept
We do not accept Discount Cards, or the insurance plans listed below:
- Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Tuality, OHP Kaiser (& other OHP plans outside the Portland area).
- Pacificare: unless Direct, PMG Direct, or PPO
- Washington Welfare or any Out-of-state Medicaid
- Kaiser, unless it is “Added Choice”
- Champus or VA insurance
- Humana
- Zoom Care
- Molina
Billing FAQs
Here are some frequently asked questions regarding billing and insurance.

Some insurance plans require a referral to see a specialist, so it will be your responsibility to inquire with your insurance and PCP if a referral is needed. We will do our best to let you know ahead of time if we think you will need a referral.
Northwest Women’s Clinic contracts with insurance companies as a group, for the most part, meaning if one of our providers is contracted, they all are. Contact your insurance company to verify your coverage.
A co-pay is the flat fee determined by your insurance company that you pay each time you receive medical care, usually between $10 and $50. Your co-pay is due at the time of service.
Northwest Women’s Clinic is a specialist practice. However, co-pays are determined by your insurance company and many insurance companies require only a primary care co-pay for certain types of visits, such as annual exams.
Co-insurance is the percentage of your medical bills that you have to pay, typically after you’ve paid your deductible.
A deductible is the amount you must reach before your insurance company starts paying for care.
A. In most cases we will bill your insurance a ‘global bill’ which will include all your prenatal visits, delivery and postpartum visit. The date of service for the global bill is the date your baby is born. The global charge does not include ultrasounds, lab work, injections, or additional office visits needed for non-obstetrical problems.
B. In the event that a patient has a change of insurance, or transfers care in or out of the clinic during the pregnancy, we will need to bill out the office visits and the delivery separately.
Your insurance company processes claims based on your contract benefits and the best answer to this question will come from them.
You will only receive a statement from us when you have a patient balance – an amount you’re responsible to pay. We will not bill you until your insurance company has reduced your balance, if appropriate, according to your contract benefits. If the insurance information we have on file for you is inaccurate or missing, call your doctor’s office.
While we have business arrangements with Legacy Good Samaritan, and Providence St. Vincent’s Medical Center to use their space and equipment, we are not part of the hospital system. We will bill you for the services we provide. The hospital will bill you separately for its services. You may also receive bills from additional providers outside of Northwest Women’s Clinic, such as an anesthesiologist and pediatrician.
When Northwest Women’s Clinic checks your benefits before an IUD placement, your insurance company provides us with an estimate of your benefit – they won’t guarantee what the final charges will be. Many things can affect your final responsibility, including the timing of the procedure compared to the date we checked your benefits and how that relates to your plan’s benefit year.
Please call your insurance company if you have questions.
‘In review for collections’ is a statement generated by our billing software that we cannot remove. It is automatically included on your statement when you have a balance that is past 90 days due based on the date the balance was first billed to you.